Here is the elevation of the Hotter 'N Hell 100. It starts at 943 ft., peaks at 1150 ft. at mile 31, and then it is basically back to 943 ft. The steepest hill is the freeway at mile 99 and it only lasts about 1/4 mile and then it is just coasting to the finish. In looking at this graph, remember that the elevation change is only 200 feet total, from top to bottom.
If the weather cooperates and is only hot, it is a nice ride!! We had been averaging 16+ MPH last year, riding in hills. On this ride, we average 19.7. Call it leg strength, call it preparation, call it adreneline. All this mixed with a large group of riders to pace, drop behind and to help to keep your strength up all through the race makes this happen.
Remember to LIVESTRONG!!
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