Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Ride

I was laying in bed unable to sleep. The clock read 6:51 AM. Out the window, I can see a bright star. No way that the sky is clear. The forecasts all showed rain, much like Sunday, rain, rain, and more rain. I got up and took a look out the bathroom window. Indeed it was clear and not a cloud to be seen. I layed back down and tried to put the thought of riding out of my mind. At 7:14 AM, I had enough. I get up and go downstairs. On my way downstairs, Cassie joins me. I figure I will get my Trek ready to ride. I change my back tire that is showing treads from all of the riding on the trainer. I put a light on the seat post. I pump up the tires and lube the chain. After going back into the house, I look outside and clouds are creeping in. Surely the rain will come. I better just take a look at the weather. To my surprise, the weatherman says sporatic showers. Time to eat some breakfast, spend some time with the C and the kids, and head out around 10:30 AM. It had warmed up to a balmy 40 degrees.

I had not ridden the Trek in quite some time. I figure the roads where wet and I'd rather use it as a weather bike to take the winter abuse. The detent is the forks drove me nuts. When it is wet, I'd rather turn instead of lean. With the detent, the turns are leans. The handle bars seem to narrow and the crank arms I realized today are shortly so I spin more. All interesting differences that make me faster and more comfortable on the Specialized. Even with all of this, the ride was great! I hit 30 miles with 1700 feet of climbing in 2 hours. The sun was out and warm on my face. Too bad it didn't warm anything else up. There were many out running and walking but no other riders. I needed today's ride.

Although I complained yesterday about the rain, Oregon is proving a good place. I was sitting at the table eating with Colin. He seemed so happy, much like Cassie and Craig have been today. I believe part is due to the stability and knowing that we are not packing up in the next few weeks. Cassie even commented that this is the first year in several that we are not moving. She tries so hard to find continuity in her life by holding on to our family traditions, even more so this time of year. She continually reminds us what we have done in years past. Today's example, we always clean out the garage on Christmas eve. She is going to be our family historian. I am thankful for her and I am so proud of her. She finished the Book of Mormon yesterday for the first time. She is my early morning compadre. We get our chance to talk about different things, all early in the morning whether it be going to jazz band in the car or at the breakfast table before every one else gets up. I am rambling now. Let me finish by saying, it was a good day...and by wishing all of our family, friends (both new and old), and fellow bloggers a Merry Christmas - may all your dreams come true.

(Editor's note: Tito, get me a tissue. Jermaine, stop teasing!)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A week in the garage

It really hit me yesterday morning as I looked out the window and watched the rain drops hit the puddles, I would be spending more time indoors on the trainer. During the week, I don't mind sitting in the garage and putting the time in. But on Saturday, I look forward to getting up early, suffering, and communing with nature while on the bike. To comment with a lack of sophistication concerning the weather, it sucks!

I do know that in a few months, all will be better but like the old Heinz Ketchup commercial commented, "anticipation, it's making me wait." The summer was wonderful and the longer days great for riding after work but it doesn't make it any easier.

This last week was three rides in the garage. No miles, just time on the bike.

We'll see if I am able to get out for my usual Christmas day ride - in 2004, I rode 50+ miles for the first time as I rode out towards Bandera; 2005, a short roll around the Texas hillside; and in 2006, 55 miles over the Southern California countryside. I'd hate to write this week about my ride through the garage. Who knows, maybe I'll suck it up and take it to the rain ... or just pray for a few hours of clearing to get the ride in!

Final Note: BYU willed itself to victory last night over a chippy UCLA team that just lost its head coach. This was the first win over UCLA for BYU since 1983, the Steve Young era. Way to go Mountain West Champions on a 11-2 season.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

My time at work

For all of you who wonder what I do all day at work. Here are a couple of pictures:

Research and development.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just a little rain

I got up at sunrise and took a look out the window - no rain but the streets were wet. The downstairs thermometer says 42. Good, warmer than last Saturday and no rain. I get changed and head out. The rainless condition didn't last long. I had been out about 40 minutes and a few sprinkles started to fall. As I moved closer to the hills, the intensity of the rain increased. At the hour fifteen mark, it is coming down. My Gortex jacket was working great but my legs and rear were soaked through. My feet were swimming in my shoes. I remember clearly thinking this is crazy: the rain, the cars, the slick roads, the cold - this sucks but is so great! I started home and closed it down, soaking wet and cold. A little longer and I would have been an ice cube.

Until next week.....keep on keep'in on...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

2 movies, a bike ride, and a funeral

Saturday was a busy day for the pain train.

Lieing in bed on a Saturday morning is unusual for me. I thought I'd lie there until it got warm until I noticed the sun shining through the blinds. It was time to get up and get going. Although it was only 39 degrees, the sun was up and it was clear; it was time to ride. I found out that the gortex jacket was great for keeping in the warmth and I need better tights. After two hours of riding, my legs felt like ice cubes and I couldn't push any more. I was interesting as I was riding, the sun side was warm but the shadow side was cold. It was just good to be out on the rode, riding. It was the first time outside in two weeks. If it wasn't for the ice cube legs, I'd would have rode longer. I rode for about two hours, roughly 32+ miles - a good bike ride.

After I got back and cleaned up, C and I headed to a funeral of a fellow riders dad. It was a nice funeral. I especially enjoyed the memories from my friend and his siblings. One common thread in all of the memories and talks was the importance of the gospel in their lives and how their dad helped infuse that in them. Going to a funeral made me think how I wanted to be remembered and questioning what my own childern will say. Better start working a bit harder...

We got home and Cassie, Craig, and I got in the car to see a movie in celebration of Craig's birthday. We saw "The Golden Compass". Interesting show. The kids liked it.

I got home, convinced C that we needed to go out, and drove downtown to see a movie. We thought it was at the Pioneer Place Regal Theaters. We got there with about 20 minutes to movie time, only to find out that it was the wrong Regal Theaters downtown. The C thought quickly and we headed to the Apple Store for the internet. After a quick search, we found the theaters and started the five block walk. We sat down as the previews were ending. Mission accomplished.

2 movies, a bike ride, and a funeral - all in one day.

Riding notes: I did two Carmichael workouts this week - the fat burner and the cadence workout - plus a just spin day in between to rest. The workouts were incredible and just what I needed. Each time I finished with a shirt drenched in sweat. Check out the trainright website for other incredible workouts. I will be doing more of the same this week, combining in the garage for three workouts and getting out on the road on Saturday for a few hours. Two goals - get the weight down and ride more.

Monday, December 3, 2007

At the party

It was my work party this weekend. The C and I had a great time eating, mixing it up, and doing a little dancing. The C looked marvelous! I thought the Christmas party was on but the C surprised me with an "After Party" party that was off the hizzle, for shizzle, my nizzle.

Peace - I'm outta here....

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Winter Maintenance

A year ago today, I posted my goals for the 2007 riding season. These were:

  • Sub 5 hour century

  • Eight century rides this year (don't all have to be organized rides)

  • STP in less than 11 hours

  • Get to 195 pounds

  • Ride the "Hotter 'N Hell Hundred" with Hogg and Trickle - all of us under 5 hours

I just wanted to provide an update on my goals and tie a bow around this last year's worth of riding. I did not get to a sub 5 hour century - my best was the first century of STP at 5:19. I did get in eight century rides this year: Solvany, Reach the Beach, 2 @ STP, Vine Ride, Tour de Tucson, and two centuries I did here in Newberg with my dad and Christine. I missed the STP 11 hour mark this year but am going after it again this coming year. 195 pounds escaped me. Sadly, we did not make it out to HHH this year.

All in all, it was a good year on the bike. The best part was Christine's interest to spend time with me on the bike. I'll ride solo because I love to ride but being able to spend the hours with my bestest buddy, absolutely marvelous. Riding into Portland after 200 miles on the road with Christine next to me was a day to remember. Pain is easier to suffer with someone else.

Another highlight was being able to spend time with my dad on the bike. We rode quite a few miles together this year to include several centuries. It has been nice living so close to my family. I have seen my parents more this year than I have in the previous ten years combined. This is not only important to me but to my children as well.

Jens and I got in some great riding as well. We started it all in Solvany with a road trip and ended it with a lap around Tucson - nice bookends to the riding season. The best of it was the five days worth of seeing the desert scenery around the Phoenix area for two bills worth of miles. Thanks JD for all the pain and fun.

Now for 2008 - just two goals: Get below 200 lbs and ride more than in 2007 (in aggregate). I spent some time with my doctor on Friday. He told me I have to change my diet to incorportate more fiber and bran with more water while eating less sweets and caffienated beverages. Losing weight can only make me faster on the hills and devasting on the flats. Well, okay, by devasting I mean to my old self if I was riding with him. I have already started to prep for the riding season. It all starts in the torture chamber and Mr. Carmichael. This Saturday due to schedule and weather conditions, I was in the garage doing Chris' work out from Bicycling Magazine. It was painful but worth it. The plan is three days a week of Chris with some hours of riding on Saturday with weather willing. It is going to be three months of work but it will be worth it in the end.

One thing I realized is that this year, I need to do more lengthy rides on Saturday. I need the 60 to 80 mile rides on the weekend so that I am better suited in the second half of centuries. The metric century right now is my power alley. I need to expand my power alley to encompass the 100 mile mark.

Well, enough said.