Saturday was a busy day for the pain train.
Lieing in bed on a Saturday morning is unusual for me. I thought I'd lie there until it got warm until I noticed the sun shining through the blinds. It was time to get up and get going. Although it was only 39 degrees, the sun was up and it was clear; it was time to ride. I found out that the gortex jacket was great for keeping in the warmth and I need better tights. After two hours of riding, my legs felt like ice cubes and I couldn't push any more. I was interesting as I was riding, the sun side was warm but the shadow side was cold. It was just good to be out on the rode, riding. It was the first time outside in two weeks. If it wasn't for the ice cube legs, I'd would have rode longer. I rode for about two hours, roughly 32+ miles - a good bike ride.
After I got back and cleaned up, C and I headed to a funeral of a fellow riders dad. It was a nice funeral. I especially enjoyed the memories from my friend and his siblings. One common thread in all of the memories and talks was the importance of the gospel in their lives and how their dad helped infuse that in them. Going to a funeral made me think how I wanted to be remembered and questioning what my own childern will say. Better start working a bit harder...
We got home and Cassie, Craig, and I got in the car to see a movie in celebration of Craig's birthday. We saw "The Golden Compass". Interesting show. The kids liked it.
I got home, convinced C that we needed to go out, and drove downtown to see a movie. We thought it was at the Pioneer Place Regal Theaters. We got there with about 20 minutes to movie time, only to find out that it was the wrong Regal Theaters downtown. The C thought quickly and we headed to the Apple Store for the internet. After a quick search, we found the theaters and started the five block walk. We sat down as the previews were ending. Mission accomplished.
2 movies, a bike ride, and a funeral - all in one day.
Riding notes: I did two Carmichael workouts this week - the fat burner and the cadence workout - plus a just spin day in between to rest. The workouts were incredible and just what I needed. Each time I finished with a shirt drenched in sweat. Check out the trainright website for other incredible workouts. I will be doing more of the same this week, combining in the garage for three workouts and getting out on the road on Saturday for a few hours. Two goals - get the weight down and ride more.
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