I got up at sunrise and took a look out the window - no rain but the streets were wet. The downstairs thermometer says 42. Good, warmer than last Saturday and no rain. I get changed and head out. The rainless condition didn't last long. I had been out about 40 minutes and a few sprinkles started to fall. As I moved closer to the hills, the intensity of the rain increased. At the hour fifteen mark, it is coming down. My Gortex jacket was working great but my legs and rear were soaked through. My feet were swimming in my shoes. I remember clearly thinking this is crazy: the rain, the cars, the slick roads, the cold - this sucks but is so great! I started home and closed it down, soaking wet and cold. A little longer and I would have been an ice cube.
Until next week.....keep on keep'in on...
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