Sunday, August 31, 2008


The week started with rain and a "no ride" Monday. Some time Monday afternoon I realized that I should have ridden to work in order to hit my 100 miles for the week goal. Tuesday was Craig's middle school orientation, Wednesday was a youth activity so I rode to work on Thursday. The C asked me to take Friday off so we could go to Ashland for the long weekend.

Thanks to my brother-in-law Bob for allowing us to hang at his house in Ashland. It was a great weekend of family fun and a bit of riding.

We hit the lake a few water slides on Friday afternoon before riding the trail between Medford and Ashland. Friday night we introduced Colin and Craig to Mr. Bean. They must have watched the first three seasons several times. Saturday morning, I got up and got on the bike. The C had talked to me about Mt. Ashland and a race up to the ski resort in mid-September. I thought I'd try out the route and see how I do. It is 25 miles with over 5K worth of climbing, with almost all of the elevation coming over 16 miles. Yes, 16 miles of up hill. The average grade is 5.5% and the climb is relentless. There is only one spot of downhill, a very short one of about 1/4 mile at mile 9 of the climb. The climb is between 2% and 10%. The C and the kids came up and gave me food as I rode and met me at the top. I don't think I am returning for the race. It was an epic climb. If it was part of Pro Tour, it is at least a Cat. 1 climb due to the length. I can't wait to go back and try it again. There is something about climbing that brings a focus and calm that I enjoy.

After getting down and home, we headed to Lithia Park and cruised around downtown Ashland. We partook of Lithia water - an all natural mineral water full of lithium salts and is known for its positive psycholgical impact. This is not to say that it tastes good but is good for you. After cruising around for a while, we headed for some Mexican food, played some Soccer and Football, had family races, and back to the house for some rest and a movie.

All told, it was a great weekend being able to ride and be with the family. This next week will be fun as Colin starts school, Craig starts middle school, and Cassie starts Soccer. It will be fun. I can't wait for the fun.

Monday, August 25, 2008


This past week was full of not being in the office, meaning no riding to work. We had our annual off-site budget and strategy review session to discuss 2009. There always is a mental exhaustion that comes with hours and hours of discussion and data review. What made it more difficult to work through is the lack of exercise. The exercise keeps my mind fresh and sharp but I was wanting for time this week. So Friday afternoon I got out a bit early and got on the bike. I had a little time so I decided on taking on Baldie.

As I passed the Baptist church on Bell road, I thought about putting in a good time on the climb. As I started up the hill, my mind started to think about the talk I had been assigned for church on Sunday. I looked down at the cyclometer - 17 minutes so far on the road. I then got lost in my thoughts about my life and how it had been shaped through people, experiences, and decisions. A calm came as climbed. The rhythmic pedaling and breathing, the thoughts, the sun on my back, without even noticing 23 minutes had passed and I was well on my way. I ended up getting up the climb in a personal best, just a hair over 37 minutes. I cruised down the back side and around North Valley road. All told 42 miles.

Saturday started early as I rolled out at 6 AM. I had planned on getting in 60 miles but the legs were not awake or cooperating. They felt real tired and heavy. The climb less than 12 hours before did me in. I headed back and ended up with 40 miles - a good ride but lackluster effort. Baldie had done me in. It was all good though as we, all the family, headed up to Silver Falls and hiked to 6 waterfalls. Cool!

I will surpass 4K this week. I am set up to get to 5K over the last 4 months. It should be fun as the rain is starting to fall again. Wow! It is only August.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


On Friday, I was talking with the C about riding on Saturday. I mentioned that my boss and a VP were riding in the Saturday Vine Ride out of Newberg. This is the same ride that she did last year with me and OB12OLD. After we talked, she said, "You should ride the Vine Ride. It would a great opportunity for you." So I signed up for the ride. The ride goes through Oregon wine country. We passed some 14 or 15 wineries along the route and acres upon acres of vineyards. The weather was great and the support for the ride incredible. I didn't have to carry any food from home. This is how well the century ride was supported. At the same time, it was real comfortable with the two from work. We rode, talked, ate, and talked some more. The 100+ miles went by quickly as the day heated up. The neat part of the ride is on the way back through Dayton, the C and Cas caught up with us and we rode together to Lafayette where I showed the C and Cas the rode that lead back to Newberg. It was neat to see them on the road and ride with them.

All told for the week, 187 miles, the third highest total for the year for me, raising my weekly average to 120 miles. 5K and Dura Ace components here I come!

The incredible part of the week was the C and Cas. They rode the Tour de Stake together yesterday. All told, they put in 67 miles of riding, to all the buildings in the Stake. They rode in the heat and did well. I am so proud of them for getting out there and doing it. Incredible! Way to go Triple C!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Some days it is just fun to kick it rather than rip it. That is exactly what we did today. The C and I rolled up to Troutdale with some Saints and Spinners friends to ride some of the scenic Columbia Gorge highway. The scenery was incredible as we climbed up to the Vista House and overlooked the Gorge and then down the road to the series of water falls, ending at Multnomah Falls with some lunch at the restaurant there. The C did quite well on the climbs but time in the saddle without time in the saddle spells pain in the saddle. All told, a little over 36 miles that took almost 3 hours.

As you can see, this wasn't my usual pace but the beauty was riding with some friends and my wife. The C and I rode and talked and goofed off. Nice!

The week was 106+ miles of fairly easy riding - just trying to take a easier week. A week from today is the Tour de Stake. It will be fun to ride with the C and Cas. Coming in September will be my training for the Tour of Tucson - need to get under 6 hours.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Not a bad week on the bike - just a little over 100 miles with no long rides. It was get the time where I could as I was watching the boys all week. We had a good time playing at the park, throwing the football around, eating man food, playing games, and just being together. It was real good bonding time. I'll admit I was nervous at first but Craig did a great job with Colin and I got to really bond with the boys, all the while getting my time on the bike.

At this pace, I will pass my 2007 totals by mid-September. I have plateaued on the weight loss but soon enough I will smash that barrier as well.

Time to get back on the bike.