This past week was full of not being in the office, meaning no riding to work. We had our annual off-site budget and strategy review session to discuss 2009. There always is a mental exhaustion that comes with hours and hours of discussion and data review. What made it more difficult to work through is the lack of exercise. The exercise keeps my mind fresh and sharp but I was wanting for time this week. So Friday afternoon I got out a bit early and got on the bike. I had a little time so I decided on taking on Baldie.
As I passed the Baptist church on Bell road, I thought about putting in a good time on the climb. As I started up the hill, my mind started to think about the talk I had been assigned for church on Sunday. I looked down at the cyclometer - 17 minutes so far on the road. I then got lost in my thoughts about my life and how it had been shaped through people, experiences, and decisions. A calm came as climbed. The rhythmic pedaling and breathing, the thoughts, the sun on my back, without even noticing 23 minutes had passed and I was well on my way. I ended up getting up the climb in a personal best, just a hair over 37 minutes. I cruised down the back side and around North Valley road. All told 42 miles.
Saturday started early as I rolled out at 6 AM. I had planned on getting in 60 miles but the legs were not awake or cooperating. They felt real tired and heavy. The climb less than 12 hours before did me in. I headed back and ended up with 40 miles - a good ride but lackluster effort. Baldie had done me in. It was all good though as we, all the family, headed up to Silver Falls and hiked to 6 waterfalls. Cool!
I will surpass 4K this week. I am set up to get to 5K over the last 4 months. It should be fun as the rain is starting to fall again. Wow! It is only August.
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