To help all of you out there in need of some urging and coaching, let Sonny Crocket be your guide. If you remember well, Crocket and Tubbs were the detectives on Miami Vice. Crocket, the Florida native and Tubbs, the out of water New Yorker hitting the Miami scene. This was one of the few shows I'd watch as a teenager, otherwise, it was I am outta here and off to the club. Where's fitty cent? That's $0.50 if your not nasty.

Pretenders, listen to Crocket, "The secret to success, whether it's women or money, is knowing when to quit. I oughta know: I'm divorced and broke. " So if you want to win, just quit. You'll feel better in the morning. And finally, "People in stucco houses shouldn't throw quiche."
Peace and I'm outta here!!
I am not sure what's worse. That pic or the fact that you watched Miami Vice!
I am not sure what's worse. That pic or the fact that you watched Miami Vice!
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