In the immoral words of Mr. Clubber "Pain" Lang, "I pity the fool!!" Pain will be the theme all summer long, culminating in a painful August for my competitors. Today was another step on that "pain" journey. 90 minutes of hills and more hills. I can tell the legs are kicking in because I am getting up hills in larger gears than before. This is the payoff. Wait, I hear your mouth. Another memorable quote from Mr. Pain, "What did you say, Paper Champion? I'll beat you like a dog, a dog, you hear?" Okay, enough testoterone for one night.
I'll be going to Tacoma in April for a few days. I have a Senior Leadership Development Conference for two days. I hope catch a couple of family members for a couple of hours and some grub. I let everyone know after all of the details are worked out.
I couldn't help it. "Hey fool! You ready for another beating!? You shoulda never came back!" Y'all should never come out. I pity the fool!!
1 comment:
"you ain't so bad....you ain't so bad....you ain't nothin"
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