Wednesday, December 7, 2005

New torture routine

I have found a new way to torture myself on the trainer. In the latest Bicycling magazine, it speaks of ways to improve your workout onthe trainer. I tried some of those ways last night. I started in the lowest gear and gradually went up in gears, riding in each for five minutes. I started in the middle ring in front. I went up seven gears. Then clicked to the big ring, down three in back, and then moved up the gears again. The last three big gears were painful. I was sweating terrifically. Before I did the last and biggest gear, I rode five minutes in a small gear. Also, I only did 3 to 4 minutes in the last three gears. After this, I just rode the final ten minutes easy to cool down. During the cool down, I did some one legged pedaling, 30 seconds a side. It is not as easy as you think but I can see the reason to do them. It really helps on the pedaling motion, working all of the leg. The average heart rate was 135 for the 80 minutes. I like this workout. The heart rate gradually raised until maxing out at about 154. It reminded me of the workout I used to do in the wee hours of the morning at Ft. Polk when Big Joe and I would meet at the gym at 5 AM to lift and do cardio. The stair climber had a fat burning workout that would slowly raise the intensity over the forty minutes. Big Joe, another good friend.

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