Hill climbing was the order of the day last night. From my previous attempts to do the work out, I noticed the riders would elevate their front tire higher with wood blocks. I decided to do the same with the ladder. I raised my front wheel an additional 6". It was most painful. I did the workout and then rode for another 20 minutes after. It really put the screws to me. It makes a difference raising the front wheel. Tonight should be an hour of easy, recovery riding. My legs were still tired this morning from the time last night. It just goes to show that I still have much room for improvement.
On another note, Bennett took a beating last night. I finally figured out a defensive strategy to get to him. My offense was mediocre but did the job. 24-6 was the final. It feels good to be on the winning side again after two consecutive losses. My all-time record needs some help, I am still only 9-11. Hey, I'm ranked 4569th. That is a start!!
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