This last week was so hectic - I took a nap yesterday just to slow it all down and catch up.
Even with the craziness of getting ready for the Youth Fundraiser, I still managed to get my miles in for the week - roughly 110. That makes 12 weeks in a row with over 100 miles on the bike. This definitely is more than last year at this time. I am about 8 pounds lighter than when I started as well. I rode the hills on Monday and Wednesday and the flats on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday, I hooked up with the tri-athletes and we rode 33 together and I tacked on 12 more of climbing at the end. The legs felt good and I felt fast. I have gotten used to riding in the drops. This is probably because my belly has shrunk far enough that I can do it without any pain. I still have some work to do but I am getting lighter. I can notice this when I am riding up hill or into the wind. I feel stronger and my speed is higher. There is a little over 2 months till the STP and if I could shake another 5 to 10 pounds, the ride will be only that much easier. I am pumped for the STP. Since I decided to only do 3 organized rides this year, it is the next big one and I hope to better my time from last year.
Today was a Bald Peak run. I got up it about a minute faster than I did three weeks ago and I didn't feel as good either. I fought that puking feeling all the way to the top. I don't know what it was but I was scared to drink a lot in fear that I'd hurl. I bombed down Bald Peak Road and the 217 - nothing like flying at 35+ down these winding roads.
STP suggested mileage for a one day rider for week of May 5th: 160. YTD total suggested (started week of Feb. 19): 1,173. Total I have ridden in suggested time period: 1,265. YTD: 1,657.
A note about this last Saturday. The C was awesome. She got me up and out early in the morning to help set up for the Rummage Sale. We got to the church at 6:30 AM and started putting stuff out. I left at 9 to go riding. I got back to help at 1:30 PM. She did not leave and had not ate. It was raining so we cleaned up for the next hour, left and dropped Cas at home, hit Quiznos for a sub, and then relaxed for a little while until the Chili cook off and auction. We finished cleaning up and went home after 9:30 PM. Quite a day but it was worth it. We raised enough money to pay for all the camps and activities for the youth this summer. Incredible! It is people like my wife who make a difference not only in putting together events but digging deep into their pockets to help by donating money and then giving their time from their heart. It really was and is a humbling experience for me.
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