All week I had worried about Saturday morning and picking up donations for the youth fund raiser. Here was the case that the things I worry about, never happen. All my fears and apprehension was washed away with persistant calls and reinforce proper behavior. We got out there and for two hours, we picked up items for members homes and off of the street. We filled a two car garage almost to the ceiling with stuff for the garage sale next weekend. What fun it was!
The next activity was to run to Home Depot, with labor dispute and all, to pick up a lawn mower and pressure washer. Mission Accomplished.
I got home, ate some lunch, changed into my bike clothes, and headed out. My legs were talking to me after all the hills and intervals from the last two days so I headed South to run the flats. 50 more miles in the books. All told for the week, 132 - 8 short of the recommended mileage for one day STP riders. Good enough for me. At the end, I was starting to cramp up. Not a good feeling when riding alone. I must not have eaten right or enough the last few days for this to happen. It felt good to get it done.
After getting back, the work started. We mowed, trimmed, pulled weeds, and pressure washed for three hours. I lost track of time so I ordered a pizza for the boys and I. It tasted good after all that hard work. I still had to go to the store for dinner tomorrow. Finally, I am sitting on the couch doing nothing but typing. Finally, after a crazy day.
Next week - recommended mileage: 190. See ya...
1 comment:
do you know how proud I am of you and all you have done? I love you and think you are wonderful.Even if we don't talk a lot or write. I love you.
Love, your sister,
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