This week has been the National Sales Meeting in Palm Springs. A plant guy at a sales meeting? Yeah, I know - doesn't make a lot of sense on the surface. As I have been here, attending the meetings, the training classes, and spending time with the sales group, I understand why. I need to understand their challenges and I need to know them, both as a sales professional and as an individual. Our business model is based upon our sales group building relationships. Similarly, I need to build a relationship with them in order for them to feel comfortable with me and I with them. I believe we have accomplished both these last few days.
With that being said, I miss being at home with the C and the family. They are such a big part of my life that being away from them is hard. I appreciate their support and love. I will be back home tomorrow and it will be good.
I did get in six hours of riding this week. Even though it was all inside, it was just as painful if I had done it outside. The miles are being racked up this year. Speaking of miles, JD was out riding in the Tour of Phoenix today - 72 miles of fun in the sun. I caught up with the time on the Perimeter Bicycling website but await the ride report on the blog.
The time is ticking down to the STP - per the ride schedule for suggested training miles on the STP website this week should be 110 miles. I was close. Next week, 120 miles. No problem. See ya out on the road...
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