For those in need of an explanation of the color yellow, the color "Yellow" in cycling signifies champion, the maillot journe, the overall leader in the general classification. "Yellow" does not have a negative connotation. Also, "Yellow" is the color of LIVESTRONG and one of their slogans is "Wear Yellow." I will happily be and wear "Yellow" all August long.
The legs are good and recovering from Saturday's ride. I really pushed myself. Sunday was a day of recovery. Today was better. Tomorrow is back on the bike.
Dear OB1,
I am glad you expalined the color yellow. I was really confused. Come August I will wear Yellow too but mine will be a victory jersey not my normal riding jersey like yours. I see that you have been riding. It is now time to pull out the astro cream, you will need all the help you can get on your long rides.
March is here and with only 5 months to go..May the best rider when...........................of course that will be me.
PS -
Did DJ quit. I would too if I was facing me!
DJ might have quit...But JD is alive and kickin. I will be ready. I read this book about the great Iban Mayo who peaked too soon in the season before the TDF. He kicked everybody's arse..even Lance 6 weeks before the start of the TDF. Come time of the actual event...it was Lance who was at his peak...and Iban..well...all his fans turned out to watch him roll in with the peleton and get his "participation" ribbon.
Loser of the HHH buys Mexican food at that place we ate after the race...winner...well he has a year of bragging rights and the yellow jersey...by the way...I wear XL.
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