I was so hyped last night about riding that I couldn't sleep. I was able to get some Z's for a while but at 3:30AM I began to toss and turn. My mind was working overtime. I finally got up at 4:45 AM and decided I needed to ride. I got out for an hour, 130 bpm, about 16.5 miles. It was a nice easy ride. I rode by work. It took all of 10 minutes to get there on the bike. I rode out LA to Sequoia and back in. It was a nice ride to get the legs loose. Tomorrow is going to be fun. I am going to do that same ride I did last weekend but add some miles in the middle that take me out towards the beach. It will be good. I am pumped and ready to go. It was warmer today and I am hoping it will be the same tomorrow. It's not all about the bike but time on the bike is important. I needed a week like this.
Monday is going to be a good day. It will be a bit stressful but at least we will have all of our stuff back with us. I can't wait to see the kids and the look on their faces when they can be in their own rooms and have their comforts. It will help us all. Monday will also be good for many other reasons. Milgard was gracious enough to give me the day off. The acting PM is really speaking to my current boss to let me go in the plant. All in time. I am getting to that point. It is hard to focus when all is still not settled at home. Next week will be a lot easier for me.
Now, the important stuff, GO STEELERS!!!
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