As you can see, it was a busy day on the hills. It was over 1600 feet of climbing over 43 miles, 15.6 average mph and 143 average bpm. This is probably how the century is going to be in May. It felt good but my legs were still recovering from Thursday night. It was tough but I rode through it. Cassie was nice enough to take a picture after I got back from the ride. Only two more days in this apartment. It will be nice to get our stuff back. Colin went to a birthday party and they had a toy box. He sat down for two hours and just played with the toys. Nothing else could take him away, presents, cake, candy. All he wanted was the toys. It is going to be easy to watch him on Monday, just give him his toys and he will disappear.
A funny story from today on the bike. I was starting up the first climb of the day on Erbes Street. There was this guy in front of me. I didn't think I would catch him. The hill is over a mile and a half long and probably averages 6% grade. So, I put my head down and started to spin. I had it in the biggest ring in the back and the smallest in the front. With about 200 feet to the top, I catch this guy. As I am going past him he looks at me and says, "You could have waited till we got to the top to pass me?" I smiled, laughed a bit and kept going. Pulling 220 pounds up such a hill is serious business. I am like the Bus, when I get going, let me go. Don't stop the roll.
We drove to the beach and I found a route through the mountains that would not be as difficult as going over Decker Canyon or Mulholland Rd. It is out Protrero Road to Hueneme to PCH. It is right at 50 miles to Zuma Beach where we go. We will see when I get to do this. Next week is the down week in the training cycle. All it calls for is time on the bike. Maybe with the time on the bike, I could make this trek to the beach next Saturday. I'll have to see what all the schedules are and when I will be able to ride.
We are only hours away from Super Bowl XL. It is time for the Steelers to get the job done. One last GO STEELERS!!
1 comment:
You look good in your tights. Christine better watch out, you must be driving the girls wild when you ride….. I am little depressed though because I do not see any sponsorship. I thought for sure I would see you in McDonald’s jersey. GOOOOOOOoooooooooooTeam Big Mac!
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