Night two on the bike. I got on the road tonight and did my muscle tension workout. It is a medium cadence ride with strain on the leg muscles for a specified period of time. I did 2 x 12 and 2 x 15 with 6 minutes rest between. As you can see, I rode some hills. This is right in my back yard, up and over twice. 23.4 miles with about 1500 feet worth of climbing. It was almost 1 hr 40 minutes on the bike. The pain felt good. My heart rate average was 143 bpm; right on the money for the workout. I am going to do a recovery ride in the morning before work to keep the legs loose. Saturday will be a good ride. Here comes the hills again. I don't know if my white rabbit will be there but I plan on going for a while, at least 40, if not more. I got to get ready for this century in May and the STP in July. When I get done with these rides, it will be time to focus on Texas! I will be ready.
Christine has been playing some basketball. There is a group of women that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays and play for at least an hour and a half. She is being reminded that she is not a teenager any more. She has become the talk of the Stake with her play. Fresh blood always adds to stale games. It is good to see her playing and making some friends. The game will come back.
I have been asked a couple of times to play. I just don't feel the need anymore to play. I will play with Craig and Colin, but I am done playing except for family reunions or other special events. My sneakers have been retired and traded in for bike shoes. Too many times, basketball has given me the short end of the stick with sprained and broken ankles, pulled muscles, and other ailments. In fact, the last several times I played ball, I pushed too hard and threw up before being able to eat. I know...whine, whine, whine. It's okay. You don't have to read this but I want to write it.
Monday is move in day. We all are crazy anxious to get out of this apartment. Master, I need patience. Please teach me patience!! I almost forgot, but