It was another beautiful day in SoCal – perfect Christmas weather. The kids let us sleep in till after 8 AM. Santa helped us out by leaving some gifts that took a little extra time to assemble/build/figure out. This was a wonderful Christmas and I am so thankful for our friends and family that made it so special. These types of days are the ones you think about and they bring a smile to your face.
I got out on the bike for 55 miles of riding with a lot of up. It was in the neighborhood of 3K worth of climbing. I combined a few of my favorite rides for this my last ride in the area for a while. The weather was perfect for the ride and the scenery gorgeous. With fewer cars on the road due to Christmas, the ride was less stressful than normal. It felt good to be out on the road.
Changing gears…
A Christmas memory: In 1988, with my parents still in Germany, I spent Christmas with my grandparents in Portland. Two notable “lasts” occurred that Christmas season. This was the last time I saw my Grandpa Permann and my O’Pa Permann. I can remember sitting at breakfast with Grandpa, having fried eggs, bacon, and crab salad. Grandma telling him it wasn’t good for him and then he’d let Grandma know what he thought about the doctor’s dietary recommendation. “All I want to do is have some good food with my Grandson,” he’d say. Sadly, I don’t have any pictures of this time with him, although I got a nice Canon camera that Christmas.
Another memory of that same Christmas was a morning at O’Pa’s house. O’Pa was in his early 90’s. We sat and talked about school, sports, and other things. Then he asked if I wanted some Egg Nog. Sure I said. He made it old school style – more like Egg ‘N Grog. O’Pa was born in the old country, the Crimean Peninsula in Russia. He had fought in WWI. A different time than 1988 but he got this great kick out sitting talking to his great grandson and having an Egg Nog. The picture here is from that day. So, with every Christmas, I remember my O’Pa by getting some Egg Nog and having a glass, regular style.

“The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.” -Jefferson
I got out on the bike for 55 miles of riding with a lot of up. It was in the neighborhood of 3K worth of climbing. I combined a few of my favorite rides for this my last ride in the area for a while. The weather was perfect for the ride and the scenery gorgeous. With fewer cars on the road due to Christmas, the ride was less stressful than normal. It felt good to be out on the road.
Changing gears…
A Christmas memory: In 1988, with my parents still in Germany, I spent Christmas with my grandparents in Portland. Two notable “lasts” occurred that Christmas season. This was the last time I saw my Grandpa Permann and my O’Pa Permann. I can remember sitting at breakfast with Grandpa, having fried eggs, bacon, and crab salad. Grandma telling him it wasn’t good for him and then he’d let Grandma know what he thought about the doctor’s dietary recommendation. “All I want to do is have some good food with my Grandson,” he’d say. Sadly, I don’t have any pictures of this time with him, although I got a nice Canon camera that Christmas.
Another memory of that same Christmas was a morning at O’Pa’s house. O’Pa was in his early 90’s. We sat and talked about school, sports, and other things. Then he asked if I wanted some Egg Nog. Sure I said. He made it old school style – more like Egg ‘N Grog. O’Pa was born in the old country, the Crimean Peninsula in Russia. He had fought in WWI. A different time than 1988 but he got this great kick out sitting talking to his great grandson and having an Egg Nog. The picture here is from that day. So, with every Christmas, I remember my O’Pa by getting some Egg Nog and having a glass, regular style.

“The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.” -Jefferson
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