Yesterday morning I got up to ride and to my surprise, a few minutes later Cassie came down stairs saying she could not sleep. So, what the heck, I invited her to go for a ride. After she decided that it wasn't too cold, she had some breakfast and out we went. It is always nice to have a partner to ride with. It gets old just hammering all alone in the cold and dark wilderness. We had a great time together. We ended up going over 21 miles in about two hours. We rode from one side of Simi to the other and back. There were some hills and she pulled them nicely. Heck, she was riding in bigger gears than I normally ride up the hills! I am going to have to keep her on the bike.
While we are riding, I remember a conversation with JD about triathlons. She likes to swim and run. If I could get her on the bike, maybe, just maybe, well have to see. I need to talk to her more about it and get her more time on the bike.
We, well, I am looking forward to this week. Not only is it Christmas, the Dunfords are coming to visit and we are going out to Phoenix for a wedding and to visit some more friends. It will be like a whirlwind tour before I leave for Portland. I haven't decided yet when I am leaving. It will be either later in the day on the 1st or early AM on the 2nd. It really all depends on how much I get done before the Phoenix trip. A lot to do and not much time is left. Ooh well, it will all work out.
1 comment:
The female winner of the iron-man picks up a nice 500K....and all the glory that goes with it. The recent winner was 37 years old and it was her first iron man. I can see Cassie one day do the same. All I ask is for the retainer fee..
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