In the area, there is this famous hill. Like most hills, it has a name, the Norwegain Grade. Why is it called this? I do not know. I need to ride with some locals and get the scoop. Now, this is no Alpe d'Huez or Mt. Ventoux but it is tough, a little over a mile long and between 7 and 9 percent grade. I had to change course today. I had planned to ride Balcom Canyon but I got a flat going out and I only had one tube. I did not want to get stuck in the middle of no where trying to tell Christine how to get me a tube. I was somewhat disappointed because I had been thinking of this climb all week. In spinning class, I was envisioning me summitting this climb. I had the mental picture. Yet, sometimes the right and responsible thing is not aligned with visions and dreams. I did the prudent thing. Okay, enough justification of why not. And NO, for all of you haters out there, I was not scared nor afraid. Just give me the lumps now, I can here them already.
Anyway, so I settled for the Norwegian Grade. It was a nice little climb that after I settled in to a cadence and breathing, it was done. I had to be home by 10 AM so I cut it short. I was out 2 1/2 hours. If I had not gotten in so late last night from Hollister, I might have been able to get up earlier and ride longer but there is always next week. I thought a little picture of me after the ride would be nice. The pounds are slowly coming off!! YEEEESSS! Jesse... now Jerome... Where is Morris Day and the Time now? Anyone know?
I can see why JD liked San Jose. It is so green and beautiful. I liked the area. I could see a lot of potential rides while I was out there. Granted, I was in the plant all day long and did not get to tour anything except the 101 and some other state highways to and from the airport and plant but it was a nice area. Excellent choice!

She definitely is growing up to fast. Where is that little girl who would say La La La Wuv? She definitely is Daddy's little girl. I love you Cassie!
Finally! You posted a picture that's worth something and I'm not talking about yours OB1. Cassie buy your dad some bike tubes with your allowance and look up the work "Risk" in the dictionary for him. He needs some motivation!
Stop sucking in! Breath for crying out loud! ;0
I think you need to have a Norwegian name to ride that kind of grade. Who needs training when you got a name like mine. For once I agree with the Tex...breath in,,,breath out danielson....
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