It is almost that time of year when the Spurs doubters start writing that they can't win it all due to the team chemistry, lack of offense, Duncan's absence in big games, and all of the other negative aspects that analysts think they see. Then, SA proves them all wrong. Let's go Spurs!!
It's been three days of spin, ride, spin. Tomorrow, I'll be on the bike again for about two hours. The ride was nice yesterday morning. It felt good to tie in the spin class with the road hours. My legs are a bit tired and worn but I can rest on Friday while I am in Hollister. Hopefully the weather will stay nice and I can get in some hours on the bike on Saturday morning. Balcolm Canyon looks quite a good challenge. I will let all know how it goes. Four weeks till the Conejo Valley Century. I will have a good idea where I am at after this ride.
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