Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TSA - has this happened to you?

As I go through security at the airport, I have to remind myself that the people that work with the TSA are people too. They don't make it easy to remember. A customer service class would be helpful along with supervisors who get "it." The employees at TSA seem to think that they are doing us a favor. I won't deny that they have a purpose and I am grateful for the effort.

But, couldn't they be at least courteous and considerate?

I don't mind undressing before going through the metal detectors. I don't mind pulling out my gels and my laptop. I don't mind taking everything, and I mean everything, out of my pockets. That is part of the drill and I am okay with it. My issue is with the TSA agents screaming this information multiple times before evening getting up to the ID check. This rant is not associated with any softening phrases like, "I'd like to remind you" or "In case this is your first time flying or you haven't flown in a while" or "Please be advised." The tone needs help as well.

Having said that, my biggest irritant is trying to redress and the TSA agent takes my stuff and pushes it down the line. There is nothing that annoys me more than trying to put my belt back on or my shoes on or trying to put my laptop in my bag and as I go to grab for one or the other, the whole line gets moved several feet further down. Aaarrrrgggghhhhhh! It happened on my last trip and has been on my mind. TSA - please stop that! Let me redress. I am hurrying. I promise. I understand and am mindful of all the people that need to get through security but please give me a few quiet moments and I will get it all together - pinky promise!

By the way, to the TSA agent that picked up the bin I tossed on the floor in disgust, I am sorry. I will try harder next time to be considerate - even as you shove my articles down the line.

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