Sunday, November 30, 2008


It has been a busy yet fun couple of days.

It all started on Wednesday. All week I had read about how bad the weather was going to be for the Thanksgiving break which translated to me into staying indoors. Getting up on Wednesday morning, the weather prognosticators were all wrong. The skies were clear. In talking with Christine, she wanted to do a bit of shopping. I left work early, got in a 75 minute ride, got cleaned up, and took Christine to do a bit of shopping and to get a bite. We got home in time to meet my parents.

Thursday morning started early with some cooking. Then, Cassie, Craig, Pa, the "C", and myself headed over to the elementary school for the Turkey Bowl. We had 60 people show up to play some football. We played for two hours with four teams. We had good sportsmanship and no injuries. Although there were some collisions, all players got done with all their teeth and with no broken bones. After getting home, Craig and I put up the house Christmas lights. Playing football and putting up the lights, we were quite hungry. The "C" and my mom put together a feast! We all ate and ate, had some good conversations at the dinner table, and walked away quite fed. The evening ended with some football and some TV. Craig and I even got a game of Madden in. It was a very relaxing Thanksgiving day.

Friday morning was a more typical weekend day for us. OB12OLD and I got on the bike for a two hour tour to Laurel and back. The body was sore from the Turkey Bowl so it felt good to get out and just recover and spin. We got back, ate some turkey, cleaned up, and ran some errands. Then we drove out to Beaverton, caught the Max to downtown, and hung out at Pioneer Square to watch the tree lighting with about 25,000 of our closest friends. It was quite the festive place. They played music, we sang some Christmas carols, and then they turned on the lights of the 100 foot tree with 2.5 miles of lights on it. On the way home, we hit Juan Colorado's for some Mexican food. Pretty cool stuff - the best part was being together and enjoying each other.

Saturday, we had to say good-bye to my parents in the morning. I then hit the road for 30 miles. After warming up the first ten miles, the legs felt strong so I pushed it back home, averaging 20.2 MPH the final 20 miles. It is time to start preparing for Solvang. I spoke to JD last week about his TdT ride and Solvang. Looks like the plan is to hit the SoCal ride in March. It will be like our Spring training camp in preparation for the 12 hour STP. I look forward to the ride in March.

The rest of Saturday was getting Craig some good church clothes in preparation of him turning 12 and then running some additional errands - bassoon reeds, groceries. When we got home, we sat down and took a breath. It was a busy, fun couple of day. We really appreciated my parents coming and hanging out with us - the more the merrier. The "C" took pictures of all the fun on our family website, so check it out.

Time to get back to watching my Steelers against the Patriots....

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