After riding five days straight, I was feeling good. I did not ride or do anything of consequence on Sunday, letting my legs rest. I got on the bike last night for a nice spin to find some very uncooperative legs, not wanting to do anything. It was like the shop steward told the union boys to have a work slow down. I rode for 15 miles, a little less than an hour. I was going to torture the legs a bit more just like a good manager but I got a flat. Luckily it was only a few tenths of a mile from home. I limped in and called it good. I understand now a bit better why the day after a rest day in a major tour is so difficult and dangerous.
As I did, I thought of Lance and pain. I wrote a few weeks ago about why I ride and in searching for a picture about pain, I found this quote from a page 2 article about Lance. "He discovered early that he could smother psychic pain with the real pain of long-distance swimming, running, cycling. That pain was self-inflicted yet comforting because he controlled it." Exactly - I like it because I can control the pain. I decide and no one else.
After getting home, the kids and I went to the courts were I taught C Jr. and Little Mouth how to do proper lay ups. Afterwards, I got beat for the first time by Little Mouth. In my competitive nature, we played the best two out of three and I ended up winning in a skunk and 21 - 17 to take two. I'll say this, the mouth has an outside shot. If he could learn to hit consistent lay ups, I am in trouble.
15 more on the road to the seventh week of 100+ miles. I am addicted and it feels good.
I know exactly what your talking about. Love the quote about Lance and his "being in control of the pain". That is a good way to describe it and keep puching for more.
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