It wasn't a century week but the intensity was there. I got up early and hit the road as the sun was just peaking over the horizon. I figured that since Thursday was a day in the hills - it would be a flat 50 today. As I crossed the bridge, I hear the all to familiar hissing coming from my back tire. Luckily, I was close to a large spot on the bridge so I didn't have to stand a few feet from the traffic. I had a spare tube but not enough CO2 to completely fill my tire. I headed home to get another spare tube, new CO2 cartridge, and pump up my tire. While I was riding home hoping to not get another flat, I thought, "what the heck, let's go back up Baldy and see how the legs feel." It was one heck of a climb back up - my legs told me about it repeatively. I got to top, rode down the other side two miles, turned around, and headed back up to the top. Punishment, doing the body good.
All told for the week, 55 miles with 5200 feet of climbing.
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