Yoda has inspired me. To what you may ask? Well, he has inspired me to seek to explain life, at least this portion of my life. It took me a while to get to this point where I can explain it. In fact, during my ride yesterday it all came to me. I got on the bike and rode hard. I had not planned on riding that way but after getting out and getting going, it felt right. My ten mile splits were 30:46, 30:45, 29:48, 29:33, and 29:07. I just kept getting stronger and stronger on the ride. 50 miles in a few seconds over 2.5 hours. Just what the doctor ordered. In fact, these three riders came around me at about mile 25. They were working well together and riding a little bit faster than me. I let them go. They must not have been working that well together since at mile 35 I passed the first of the group who had gotten dropped. It was then only a matter of a few miles and I passed the other two. I did take the time to talk to one of the others. He was riding this Trek Madone 5.9. What a beautiful bike! He told me he had a Trek 1200 before and the ride on the carbon bike was so much better. Yeah, it was nice to pass and pedal away from him on my Trek 1500. The $1000 dollar bike flew past the $5500 bike. "It's not about the bike!" I got off the bike at Zuma Beach, feeling on top of the world. I had just improved my time to Zuma by over 15 minutes. It must be the daily riding to and from work with the back pack. Or it is the few more pounds I have dropped. I have 200 in my sights. I don't know but it was a good ride.
Last year before the HHH, longer ride averages were around 16 to 17 MPH. This year, I am able to get into the 18 to 20 MPH range. Heck, on the STP, I averaged 17.8 over the 200+. I'd like to hit the 4.5 hour mark at HHH but a more realistic goal would be 4.75 hours. That would be 23 minutes faster than last year. I have to keep reminding myself that there are many more factors in riding a race than just the rider's fitness, although it is a major one. There is weather, sleep, nutrition, among them. Do I think we can improve our average speed by 3 to 4 MPH over the training rides? No, not at this time although 1 to 2 can be expected and that is my goal.
So what was this epiphany I had on the bike. Well, life is like Sesame Street and we are its players. Who would we be? Well, during the suffering, staring into the deep, blue waves of the Pacific, it came to me.
Please join me in welcoming the cast of Alamo Street.

First, there is Big Bird (aka Hogg). "Big Bird is the "everychild" of Alamo Street. Fine feathered friend to all, he may get overly excited about new discoveries and extremely disappointed when things don’t work out, but this bird is always willing to try again, correct his mistakes, and find a solution to his problems. " This is the Hogg. Plus, he is tall and is naturally yellow. This is not the cowardly yellow but the yellow of the victor and champion. May we not eat too much of your dust in the race. Or may you not be too disappointed in failure.
Second, there is Bert (aka OB1 or chillyC). "Bert is analytical, responsible,

and the complete and utter opposite of his eccentric roommate, Ernie. When he’s not playing checkers with his pigeon Bernice, Bert, a true model of dignity and decorum, spends his days collecting bottle caps and paper clips." Although I have done away with my pigeons, I do collect bottles and cans for money while at the beach. Bert is simply down to earth and recognizes his inability to wear a hat. He is related to the cone heads and is constantly eating food at an alarming rate. His weight could be a problem this year.

Finally, there is Snuffleupagus. For many years a mythical creature on the Street. He has yet to be seen on Alamo Street. It took him years to be seen on Sesame Street and it may take years for him to be seen in the Alamo area. Snuffy, are you out there? Can you ride a bike? Who has seen you on the bike? Do you have pictures while on the bike? Here is a rare one of Snuffy out and about on Sesame Street. Come on over to the Alamo and let's see what you got.
Less than three weeks to go...it is on!
I am glad I am your inspiration! Everyone needs a kick in the butt here and there. Have you ever seen an episode of Sesame street with Bert running the show by himself. I don't think so. He always needs Ernie to make him complete. I am not sure what the show would be like without Ernie(probably Bert counting his paperclips all day is the stronger of the two...Oh oooooo! Come August.......no Ernie....only Bert baby! Is it in you?
Big Bird?...sure....Snuff?....ok Bert...I guess. The real question is who will be the grouch come post race. I was think Salty was Grover...since he thinks he can fly the 100 miles and not use his bike....
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