It has been a busy day. I got up at 5:30 AM and hit the road by 6. About 40 miles later I was back at home, a nice 2 1/2 hour ride of easy spinning. Then it was time to get ready for the hike with the Webelos. I think I have found my World Cup partner here in Simi. Christian is one of the boys dad. He works for Magellan and is from Munchen (Munich). Then it was time to shower, run to Walmart and get some last minute items, pack, make a lunch, and meet at 11 AM. We hiked for three hours, finding three geocaches and placing one of our own. Then it was off to the beach for three hours, dinner at Chipotle, and then back to the beach for some football and sunset. We finally got back to the house after 9 PM. It has been a busy one but a very fun one.
It has been a good week on the bike. I only missed riding on Tuesday this week. I felt strong and good. Time is all I need to get ready for the next bike ride in Seattle.

I just wanted to post some random pictures I thought were worth while seeing. One is the Steelers with Bush 43. Yeah, the Steelers won the NFL Championship this year and they are my team. Now that this is out of the way, time to get on with defending the championship!!
Also, check out this bike. Ya gotta like the rims. I wonder how light they are? Maybe I should get a pair to see how they ride. Wait a minute, I saw this guy today at the beach. He was in a T-Mobile jersey and a pink helmet. The hair still was sticking through the helmet. This must be Coolio's cousin.
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