I must say, "Cruis'in the Conejo" was the toughest of the century rides I have done so far. It didn't help that I missed a turn and rode some 7 extra miles, three of which was one hill. One hill was five miles long and I averaged just over 5 MPH during that climb. I wanted to quit and saw others pulling off the side of the road to stop. I just kept telling myself, the top is just right around the next corner. Many times it wasn't, but I did the Nemo and kept going. I felt good on the climbs. I am glad that I have been riding, taking the spin classes, and losing weight. I felt so much better on the climbs than I would have several months ago. Training pays off.
It took me 3 hours to go 46 miles, quite a difference from the previous weekend when I rode 55 miles in three hours. I finished right at 6 hours. I think I have found a great training ride to help prepare me for the STP. I felt great for most of the ride. There was about thirty minutes after all of the climbing that I was doubting I would finish. After a PB&J and some pound cake, I got a "second" wind and pounded out the last 50. It was over very familiar roads. It makes it easier when you know where you are going. The next ride is next month in central CA. I should be in much better shape by then. I know now what else I need to do to get ready for the 200+ miles in July. I got some tips from a double veteran on the ride.
The best part of the ride was of course the finish. It wasn't because I did it. It was because Christine and the kids had come down to see me finish. My eyes got all watery and I got emotional. It was great to have them there. I thought a lot about them on the ride. It was even more special to have them there at the end.
Thanks Christine - Happy Mother's Day!!
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