After hoping for rain, the rain did not come. We met at 7:30 AM and wait a little while for everyone to show up. By 8 AM, we left. The inagural 50 mile bike ride for Crew/Team 695. We had Peter, Nathan, and Greg. Several leaders showed up as well. Jay, Andy, Jan, Jens, and myself. We started slow, trying to ride with everyone. By mile 10, I figured it was time to let the legs go. Jens and I said good-bye to Nathan. Peter and Jan were a ways up and we started to ride for them. It took a little bit to get there and it was made difficult by the wind but we caught up to them a mile outside of Rio Medina. We rode with them to Rio Medina, stopped for the restroom, and continued on to Castroville. The four of us rode together till the first climb, about a mile and a half outside of Rio Medina. The mountain bikes just don't ride a well on the pavement as the road bikes and Jens and I dropped them. It was nice to ride with Jens and talk. Nothing in particular just gab and "hang out" (for the lack of a better term). We stopped in Castroville and got a little to eat and wait for the others. About 10 minutes later, Peter and Jan show up. Another ten minutes, Andy and the food/drinks show up. Good timing! Everyone was hungry and wanting something cold to drink. We waited another twenty minutes or so. That is when Jens and I said time to go. We got on the bikes and took off. This time, the wind was with us and aiding us instead of hampering our progress. Nathan was only a half mile or so from Castroville but Jay and Greg were a ways up, closer to 3 miles away.
I knew that Jens needed to get back and I wanted to get back to maybe catch some of Cassie's meet or to help with the boys. Christine was a trooper and took the boys with her to Cassie's meet. She left well before I did. I just need to remember to be as supportive when she needs me. We averaged over 20 MPH on the 28 or so miles home. The wind helped as well as the sense of urgency to get back. As I opened the garage, Christine text messaged me. I called her and let her know that I had just gotten home. I did not go down the the meet. I later called and found out that Peter and Nathan had finished while Greg was still out on the course. We will have three get the merit badge. Funny thing happened on the course, we found Mike Brady riding looking for us. He held on for a little while with Jens and I but then got dropped as well.
The day ended well by being able to spend some quality time with Christine. We ate, talked, hung out, played 70's four square, watched a movie, and fell asleep. Good day, good week on the bike - over 100 miles this week. And so it begins...
Note: Thanks to Christine, her love and support are ever present and I need all of it.
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