It has been an eventful week of fun in Chicago. After a 220+ mile week, I got on a flight Sunday morning and headed to Chicago for a week of Kaizen. It was a fun but, as all Kaizen events are, stressful week. The excitement was getting rained out on Tuesday night at Wrigley Field. We were at Captain Morgan's, waiting for a few more friends to show up when the lights went out on the field and the game was postponed till a future date not known as of yet. We could smell the hot dogs and nachos, caught a glimpse of the field, but couldn't convince the ticket taker to let us walk through to check it all out for just a moment. Since our car was land locked at the "park for a quarter" place, we headed to get a bite to eat. Since the "Cubbie Bear" was full, we headed around the corner to the "Salt & Pepper" diner. A nice place with loud music and an old fashion diner feel. By the way, the burger was awesome! People are everywhere, music is playing, we are talking to this 72 year old lifelong Cubbie fan, sitting right across the street from this sign. Absolutely priceless!

About the cycling, I spent almost 6 hours on the stationary bike in Chi-town. It was good to sit and spin after a long day. It was all high cadence work-real good for the spinning. It paid dividends on Saturday's ride as I kept the cadence high through out the ride and felt real strong. The legs were in good form Saturday but the body was tired - something about an 8 hour flight delay at O'Hare and getting home at 1:30 AM had something to do about that. It is good to be home and back together with the family and my bike.
Only a few more weeks till the STP. In fact, packet pickup is this Saturday. I am ready to ride!