Saturday, December 20, 2008


The snow just keeps falling. The week started with snow and has ended with snow, with snow in between. You could say we've been snowed over this week. The kids didn't mind at all - school was canceled all week. Christmas break came a week early. It just means they have to make it up later in the year. With school canceled, everything else at the schools is canceled as well to include basketball. We had no practices and no games. So other than work this week, I just rode three hours in the garage and did little else.

Today, snow started early and fell all day. I really didn't want to stay at home all day so after choir practice, the C and I headed out. We hit Franklin Covey for next year's pages, Honey Baked Ham for our Christmas ham, Sushi bar for my weekly raw fish fix, Border's for "Breaking Away"and Peaches, and finally home. Half-way through our travels, I broke out the chains. Traction had deteriorated so I needed help. I was glad I did. Over 6" worth of snow has fallen with more on the way. After getting home, we headed over the church and played basketball for 90 minutes. It was good to be active after sitting in the car for so long.

After getting home after playing basketball, we played in the snow for a while. It was cold, especially in shorts but fun. Now it is just sit and watch BYU - AZ. Go Cougs! Right now, they need to pull their head out and play.

On the bike, the garage continues to test me as I push and practice cadence. I try to keep it high and crank up the pain. It helps to have a TV and ipod to keep my mind off of stopping. Only a few more months till I can get back outside and on the hills.

Sun & Solvang - March 14, 2009.

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