Sunday, December 7, 2008


A few weeks ago, I started to coach Craig's basketball team. It has been quite interesting and fun to work with the boys, teaching them a bit about basketball and teamwork. There is a talent difference on the team. We have polar extremes on the team - from those that play frequently and watch basketball to several boys without a clue and less talent. Practices go between drills that require a high level of skill and those that are basic. We do quite a bit of coaching in both types of drills. We run suicides and full courts sprints at the end. I remember how much I hated running suicides at the end of practice. I see that same dislike in the eyes of the players but they still work hard and run for me. I even will run with them at times.

We had our first game Saturday morning. We lost 27-26 but learned a lot about how the players respond in a game. Craig had 6 points, 2 assists, and 6 steals. He even hit a "in your face" three pointer. We have talked quite a bit about shot selection and how the closer to the basket you are, usually the higher percentage. We have even proven this out on the court by having him shoot threes and then free throws. Each time, the higher percentage shot was the 15 foot free throw. In the game, he takes the inbound pass, turns, shoots, and banks in the shot. It sparked the team. We had a shot at the end to win but couldn't get the shot off. I learned something as a coach as well. I need to stay out of the moment of the game and think - players play and coaches coach. The C was up early and performed scorekeeping duties for the team. I appreciate her helping out.

The week of riding was good as the weather held til this morning. Solvang is right at three months away and I want to be ready to ride. I will be challenged with coaching basketball, youth activities, riding, working, and doing all of my other duties.

The Steelers are struggling again at home right now. They just need to play all their games on the road. They play so much better on the road as proven the last few weeks. Before the game and all day at church the day, various Cowboys fans called me and talked to me about the game. It could be a painful Monday morning.

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