Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tale of the GPS

I rode my last ride of 2008 last night - a 45 minute spin in the garage to keep the legs loose. I thought I'd just post my stats from 2008. By far, this has been the most miles I have ridden in any year and it felt good.

Total rides: 183
Total miles: 5,351.1
Longest ride: 204.3 (STP)
Average ride: 29.24
Shortest ride: 5.5 miles (Racing Craig around the block)
Average miles per week: 102.91
Miles before STP: 3231.61
Miles after STP: 2119.49
Total hours on the bike: 319.95
Average hours per week: 6 hours 9 minutes
Average time per ride: 1 hour 45 minutes

Almost 40% of my rides were between 10 and 20 miles - these are those one hour or so highly intense training sessions on the trainer or around Newberg. The weekly graph clearly shows that I ride for the STP. Much like Lance and the TdF, I focus on doing well that second Saturday in July.

Here is a graph of my miles by week:

Here is a histogram of my miles by ride:
I really enjoyed all of the riding this year. The best part was seeing new places and riding with new and old friends. I hope I can do more of both in 2009!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here is proof that I actually work while at work. This was fun to drive but took a bit getting used to the snow. The problem was that there was no heater so it got cold quickly.

Monday, December 22, 2008


The plan was to be open for business today. Mother Nature was not cooperating, dumping more snow than expected. As the supervisors and I roamed around the parking lot when we closed the plant, I took a few pictures as we pulled and pushed employees to get unstuck and on the road. The snow was angry that day my friend! As the employees came into the parking lot, the just left their cars where they got stuck.
Using the "Bobcat" to pull employees out of the parking lot so they could go home.

Notice the visitior parking sign. The top of it is about 30". The snow had drited this much over the weekend. Also, see the ribbons of ice from the roof. This is from the freezing rain and the slow thaw. The ice is in ribbon because of the ridges on the roof.
We are going to be closed tomorrow due to the weather and us trying to get the parking lot cleared.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


The snow just keeps falling. The week started with snow and has ended with snow, with snow in between. You could say we've been snowed over this week. The kids didn't mind at all - school was canceled all week. Christmas break came a week early. It just means they have to make it up later in the year. With school canceled, everything else at the schools is canceled as well to include basketball. We had no practices and no games. So other than work this week, I just rode three hours in the garage and did little else.

Today, snow started early and fell all day. I really didn't want to stay at home all day so after choir practice, the C and I headed out. We hit Franklin Covey for next year's pages, Honey Baked Ham for our Christmas ham, Sushi bar for my weekly raw fish fix, Border's for "Breaking Away"and Peaches, and finally home. Half-way through our travels, I broke out the chains. Traction had deteriorated so I needed help. I was glad I did. Over 6" worth of snow has fallen with more on the way. After getting home, we headed over the church and played basketball for 90 minutes. It was good to be active after sitting in the car for so long.

After getting home after playing basketball, we played in the snow for a while. It was cold, especially in shorts but fun. Now it is just sit and watch BYU - AZ. Go Cougs! Right now, they need to pull their head out and play.

On the bike, the garage continues to test me as I push and practice cadence. I try to keep it high and crank up the pain. It helps to have a TV and ipod to keep my mind off of stopping. Only a few more months till I can get back outside and on the hills.

Sun & Solvang - March 14, 2009.

Monday, December 15, 2008


We had our second game of the season on Saturday. I'd sum the whole game up with one word - intensity. The first half was a close one as we end the half only up by one, 15-14. They had two good players and we had managed to stay in front of them for most of the half. We got lost on defense a few times and they made us pay with easy baskets. Our players also got caught up with worrying about the referee rather than playing basketball. At half time, I gave them the "referee's don't win basketball games, players do" speech as well as let's pick up the defensive intensity. Matt, our post player, and Craig went to work on their best players. Matt frustrated the other player so much with his defense that he started pushing and fouling Matt. Craig simply shut the other player down, not letting him get by him or to the basket the entire second half. We held them to 3 points for the half and ended up winning 28-18. I'd like to think that the team is a reflection of the coach and they have picked up on my intensity and passion for defense. I was very proud of how they played.

Craig hit a pair of jumpers - really nice shots, good form, nice follow through, good arc on the shot, nothing but net. No threes this game but that is okay. His defensive effort was impressive. He is so quick. Most of the time players can catch up to a player dribbling up the court, not with Craig. He can get down the court just as fast as the other players running. He just needs to work on his lay ups and he will be extremely dangerous. Just another item for practice.

The cycling was more of an escape this week rather than exercise. I rode for 4 hours total, one hour on four different days. I needed the escape as we were downsizing this week and letting some really good people go. For the year, I went over 5200 miles, meaning my weekly average will be above 100 miles per week for the year. Nice! The work I am doing now on the bike is focusing on leg strength and cadence. I sit and get my cadence to 85-95 RPM and cycle up the gears at descending intervals. I start with 15 minutes on the easiest to warm up, click down, 10 minutes, and then 5 minutes for the next 5 clicks down, finishing with 10 minutes of cool down with 5 at halfway back up and the last 5 where I started. At the highest gear, it is painful to keep up the cadence but it does the body good. The hour just flies by when I do this. With all the inclimate weather, I will be spending a lot more time in the garage. It is all good. This is how this year started out. The legs feel good and I need the time on the bike. March is not so far away.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


A few weeks ago, I started to coach Craig's basketball team. It has been quite interesting and fun to work with the boys, teaching them a bit about basketball and teamwork. There is a talent difference on the team. We have polar extremes on the team - from those that play frequently and watch basketball to several boys without a clue and less talent. Practices go between drills that require a high level of skill and those that are basic. We do quite a bit of coaching in both types of drills. We run suicides and full courts sprints at the end. I remember how much I hated running suicides at the end of practice. I see that same dislike in the eyes of the players but they still work hard and run for me. I even will run with them at times.

We had our first game Saturday morning. We lost 27-26 but learned a lot about how the players respond in a game. Craig had 6 points, 2 assists, and 6 steals. He even hit a "in your face" three pointer. We have talked quite a bit about shot selection and how the closer to the basket you are, usually the higher percentage. We have even proven this out on the court by having him shoot threes and then free throws. Each time, the higher percentage shot was the 15 foot free throw. In the game, he takes the inbound pass, turns, shoots, and banks in the shot. It sparked the team. We had a shot at the end to win but couldn't get the shot off. I learned something as a coach as well. I need to stay out of the moment of the game and think - players play and coaches coach. The C was up early and performed scorekeeping duties for the team. I appreciate her helping out.

The week of riding was good as the weather held til this morning. Solvang is right at three months away and I want to be ready to ride. I will be challenged with coaching basketball, youth activities, riding, working, and doing all of my other duties.

The Steelers are struggling again at home right now. They just need to play all their games on the road. They play so much better on the road as proven the last few weeks. Before the game and all day at church the day, various Cowboys fans called me and talked to me about the game. It could be a painful Monday morning.