Sunday, November 9, 2008


The week started and ended strong but the middle was light - I got lazy and I payed for it.

It was Kaizen week so I ate too much and exercised too little. On Monday night, the indoor riding finally started again. For the next four months, my weekly riding will be on the trainer, in the garage. Not all that bad, with Chris in my ears or on the tube, I get a good work out and maintain fitness. Saturday was a ride in the rain for 30 miles. By the end of last winter, I was mentally prepared to ride in the rain each Saturday. I am not there yet. It will take me a few times to get back into riding in the rain. You'd think that riding is riding. There is something depressing about sitting in the rain on your bike, pedaling. Maybe it is remembering all the great rides when there was no rain. Also, I have a hard time riding hills when it is wet out and for me, that takes some of the fun out of the riding. After all of the suffering to get to the top of the hill, there is the satisfaction of bombing down the back side. No suicide bombing the back side on wet roads. Saturday's 30 was flat and average speed.

The middle of the week, I headed to Tacoma for business. I thought I'd at least get on a spin bike for a few hours but I was lazy and didn't go when I had the chance. The meeting went well but I didn't exercise. I payed for it with a pound or maybe two. Ooh well, I get it back this week. No plans for travel at least not right now.

Friday night, the C and I went out to a Sushi Bar. It was interesting but good food. I am sure we will go back. The California rolls, house rolls, sushi, etc was tasty. I appreciate the C being willing to try new and different foods. Now if Colin would only do the same.

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